IslamIslam should be treated as an infection NOT as a Religion. It's very core "Holy" books are nothing but manuals of War shrouded in the language of Religion. In fact Mohammedism should be used to describe Islam as a political system just as Marxism is used to identify the teachings of Carl Marx.
Below are links to documentation and videos proving, if not at least making known, the outrageous ideological and political precepts of the FAKE Religion of Islam. Read for yourself and do what you can to stop the spread of this insidious disease of free thought and civil rights. These links are just to get you started. Use Google for more sites on the subject. **This link has statistics to prove how much a threat Islam is. Note: It seems a slow removal of documents and videos has been going on as if someone is trying to hide the real facts of Islamic doctrine so the invasion of Islam can continue without any real resistance. So some links below are dead. Use the link titles as search terms in Google to find alternatives.
Documentation Videos